If you can't be in church let us come to you! We are on You tube and we all stream live at 10am on Sunday Morning.
Each week, Hazardville UMC provides a safe haven for a variety of groups practicing the 12 Steps of Recovery. Below is a list of weekly meetings.
AA Meetings
Mon., Wed., and Fri. at Noon.
Thurs. at 7 p.m. (men's meeting)
Fri. at 7 p.m. (all welcome)
Sat. at 10am and at 7 p,m.
(all are welcome)
Sunday at 7pm
CDP Meetings
Wed. evening at 7 p.m.
Gamblers Anonymous (GA)
Tuesday - 6:30pm in Conference room, 1st floor
Our nationally accredited pre-school program has been preparing children for school for more than 26 years. Check us out at the link below.
Our Mission is happening through MUSIC, we are serving local musicians, youth musicians and having fun in a sober safe environment.
The Second Friday of Every Month, we offer dance and fun!
Troop 108 has been sponsored by the Hazardville United Methodist Church since 1938 as an active troop in Enfield for over 81 years.
The troop has weekly Scout meetings, goes on camp outs year round, completes many hours of Community Service benefiting the citizens of Enfield and surrounding towns, participates in an annual Scout Sunday celebration with the church, assists local Veterans’ groups with US Flag Placement at St. Patrick’s cemetery and the annual Navy Ritual, and attends summer camp at Yawgoog Scout Reservation in Rhode Island.
We are a Boy lead troop which gives these young men the opportunity to lead other scouts and grow under the auspices of trained adult leadership.
Troop 108 meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 PM during the school year at our Scout Lodge located behind the church.
Any young man ages 11-17 (or age 10 if crossing over as a Webelos Cub Scout) are welcomed to join Troop 108.
For more information please contact Scott Vujs, Scoutmaster, at Lobster63@cox.net Subject: Troop 108.
Looking for space for a meeting or event? We can accommodate you. As part of our ministry we offer rooms for groups from 6 to 120 at very reasonable rates. Contact the church office for more information or to schedule your meeting or event.