Pastor Lisa McColgan is a graduate of Boston University School of Theology and will be commissioned as Provisional Elder at the NEUMC Annual Conference on June 11th. She has a passion for worship, prayer, Bible study, ecumenical gathering, community involvement, art, and music. Spiritual nurture and pastoral care are important to her. Her hobbies include arts & crafts, hiking, dancing, reading, and catching a good movie now and then. She was a landscape gardener with a degree in Landscape Architecture in the early 1990’s. She home educated her children and served her sending church on various committees, in preaching, on the worship team, facilitating lay servant classes, and leading prayer ministries from 1997- 2018 when she entered seminary. She comes to Enfield from Lanesborough, MA and from her sending church, Dalton United Methodist Church, Dalton MA. She has been at the Dalton church for 31 years. She and her husband, Patrick, were married there in 1992. Her sons were baptized there in 1997 and 2001. Her older son, Lance, is 26, has a Poly- Sci degree and works in Pittsfield, MA. Her younger son, Benjamin, is 21, graduating from BCC on June 3rd and transferring to UMASS Amherst in the fall. She looks forward to serving Hazardville UMC and partnering with the church family in emerging from the pandemic with renewed vision and creativity. She celebrates this church’s existing ministries and heart for the community.
Our New Church Administrator, Jenn Bissell, is a devoted Mom of 3 and Wife to Nick! She is an awesome addition to the HUMC staff!
Ms. Caton comes to us on the heals of a long Music career!
Our nationally accredited pre-school program, Here Wee Grow, blooms and grows under the watchful eye of our director, Phyllis Phelan, who founded this program more than 24 years ago.
The real work of sharing Christ's love is done by the dedicated members of our church. Each person makes a difference that impacts the life of someone else. We invite you to join our loving and committed fellowship.
Steve takes care of our building! He is behind the scenes making sure that the preschool and the church are in good order.
WE have an ever changing group that is willing to help live stream on Sunday Mornings.
Goose or Oscar often keep Sue company when she comes into the office. She has tried to bring them both in at the same time but they truly are worse than 2 year olds!